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RePLAN is an inter-ministerial network coordinated by PlanAPP for cooperation and the sharing of knowledge and resources in the areas of strategic planning, public policy and foresight, as well as the development of collaborative work and networking, to promote the coordination of sectoral policies with cross-cutting strategies.

As defined by DL-21/2021 of 15 March, the main objectives of this network are to stimulate cooperation between the various governmental areas, promote capacity building and sharing of good practice, and harmonise procedures and planning instruments. RePLAN should also develop studies, policy evaluation models and metrics for following up policies and strategies, as well as promote strategic alignment between sectoral plans and planning instruments of across-cutting nature.

It is responsible for commenting on sectoral plans and their compatibility with the cross-cutting strategic planning documents, as well as ensuring the sharing of documents prepared by PlanAPP and by other services and organic units of planning and foresight among the representatives of the various governmental areas.

In its function as a committee, RePLAN is composed of representatives from the planning and foresight bodies of each governmental area, appointed by their respective superiors. Four multisectoral teams were set up to follow-up and develop joint projects of an occasional or cyclical nature involving matters from more than one governmental area:

  • Multisectoral Strategic Planning Team
  • Multisectoral Foresight Team
  • Multisectoral Public Policy Evaluation Team
  • Multisectoral Data Access Team

The multisectoral teams are composed of technicians and consultants from PlanAPP and planning and foresight services from a variety of governmental areas, and may also include representatives from other services, organisations and entities of direct and indirect administration.

The director of PlanAPP presides over and coordinates RePLAN in liaison with representatives of the sectoral planning and foresight services, liaising with the other members of the network to set up multi-sectoral teams.

The inaugural meeting of RePLAN took place on 23 November 2022, at Campus APP.

