International Representation
Expert Group on Public Administration and Governance
This group advises the European Commission on, among other things, the strategies to be adopted to address the difficulties faced by public administration at central, regional and local level in the Member States and to strengthen their capacities with a view to the correct application of legislation, initiatives and policies in the field of public administration, taking into account the work of existing thematic networks in the field of public administration.
Working Party on Competitiveness and Growth | Better Regulation Subgroup
The Competitiveness and Growth Group of the Council of the European Union prepares legislation, conclusions and Council recommendations in the areas of the EU’s growth strategy. The group meets in various configurations: single market, industry and better regulation. Meetings of the better regulation sub-group are held every six months and the agenda is determined by the member state holding the European presidency.
The Directors and Experts of Better Regulation (DEBR)
This is an informal ad hoc intergovernmental group of senior officials responsible for better regulation principles in each Member State, including experts from the Council’s working group. DEBR meetings provide a forum for strategic discussions on Better Regulation public policy and facilitate the sharing of good practice and experience between Member States, EU institutions and others. The DEBR meets twice a year and is chaired and organised by the Member State holding the European Presidency.
Fit-for-Future Platform
The Fit-for-Future Platform was created by the European Commission Decision of 11 May 2020, which states that it will maintain its focus on simplifying European legislation and reducing unnecessary costs for citizens and businesses, in particular SMEs, following on from the previous mandate for the REFIT Platform. The Platform has been organised into four groups: three of which are made up of representatives of interested parties (stakeholders) and representatives of Member State governments, with the fourth group comprising only members of the Committee of the Regions.
Public Governance Committee (PGC)
The PGC aims to support public decision-makers who formulate and promote public policy in OECD member and partner countries by providing a forum for policy dialogue and the creation of common standards and principles. This Committee conducts policy reviews and provides practical recommendations targeted at the reform priorities of each government, analysing data to produce international comparative analysis reports which support public sector innovation and reform, involving civil servants, private sector experts, civil society organisations and trade unions.
Regulatory Policy Committee (RPC)
The OECD Regulatory Policy Committee was set up in 2009 with the aim of helping member and non-member countries create and strengthen their Better Regulation public policy efforts. The Committee provides assistance in a number of areas, including the review of national public policies, tools and institutional organisation. The Regulatory Policy Outlook is one of the group’s most relevant publications as it provides an exhaustive survey of the different relevant aspects of the public policy cycle at international level.
Red Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Mejora Regulatoria (RED)
This is a group dedicated to sharing experiences on ‘regulatory improvement’ and ‘good regulatory practices’ supported by cooperation between permanent members and institutions such as the OECD and the Inter-American Development Bank. Portugal formally joined RED in October 2019, joining countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Spain, El Salvador, Mexico, Panama, Peru and the Dominican Republic.
Advisory Group for the Trust Survey
The Advisory Group for the Trust Survey is a sub-group of the Public Governance Committee (PGC). This sub-group brings together a number of national delegates to share experiences, lessons, questions and conclusions about the Trust Survey, the OECD’s survey of the determinants of trust in public institutions.
Evaluation Expert Group
The evaluation of public policies is another topic that deserves PlanAPP’s attention. In order to be effective, policy evaluations need to be incorporated into decision-making processes, both at an organisational level and at the level of the whole government. In this regard, PlanAPP participates in the Evaluation Expert Group, an OECD committee of evaluation experts.