This project was initiated by the State’s Legal Competence Centre (JurisAPP) and subsequently developed by the Public Administration’s Planning, Policy and Foresight Competence Centre (PLANAPP) following the transfer of the legislative impact assessment tasks developed by the Regulatory Impact Evaluation Technical Unit (UTAIL). This project aims to implement an application that allows automated checks to be made of the legislative impact assessment of certain proposals in development, as well as comparisons between alternative pieces of legislation.
- The use of new technologies, particularly artificial intelligence (AI) to improve the legislative impact assessment exercise and in particular the estimation of administrative costs, contributing to a more efficient support for the legislative process.
- The implementation of an application that allows national legislators and other public administration experts to carry out automated checks on the impact assessment of certain proposals being drafted, as well as comparisons between alternatives and legislation.
The project began on November 1, 2019, and concluded on June 30, 2022.